Thursday, July 12, 2018

How can I increase the traffic on my website?

There are lots of creative ways to increase website traffic. As long as you keep writing good, original articles, your website traffic will continue to increase smoothly. If you want to help yourself in this, there are so many things by which you can increase your traffic.

1. Make a good headline: The title is the first thing the reader sees, and the title is the only thing that he sees first in the shared articles. Your title influences the reader and attracts them. A good title can increase the number of readers if they are shared on social media.

Advantages and dis advadvantages of blogging

Now, the blogging has completely changed. The people are looking it like a job. There is no doubt about it that it has become the best source of online earning. But it has some advantages and disadvantages too.
So, here we  will know about blogging advantages and disadvantages.
You can be a blogger and can start your own blog. Can meet any blogging community. Or you can become a blogger team member.
You can earn money, reputation from blogging, but it has some disadvantages with can affect badly on your life. Today, in this post I am going to tell you about some of its advantages and disadvantages. You will be cleared everything.

Blogsport Vs Wordpress Which is better For You?

There are so many blogging platforms like BlogSpot, Wordpress and Tumbir etc. When we want to start a blog and get confuse which blogging platform is better for us.

 Blogger or Wordpress
Blogger and wordpress are to good blogging platforms and so many people using these platform according to their need. Peoples like blogger because it’s less technical than wordpress. Peoples love wordpress because it’s give full features and control on your blog.

Top 10 Blogging Ideas That Will be More Profitable in 2018

 There are so many blog niches are online. if you want to start a blog online then niche blog is a good idea because when you are doing a niche blog. your blog have targeted audience.
If you haven’t picked any blog topic yet, that’s why I wrote this article, A good blog start with a blog topic.

There are so many blog ideas doing well from past few years and still do good in future also.
Before selecting any blog niche, you have to think which passion you have if you have any passion you can start a blog on the topic.

How to Write Catchy Headlines and Titles for Your Blog Posts

how to write catchy post headlines and titles
A better blog post heading is one the most important thing to make your blog successful. 

Why a good post headline important?

Do you know that out of 10 people's only 2 people's click on your post and read up to the end.
It’s also important because people's see your post headline first when they come to your site.

How To Increase Organic Traffic To Your Website?

If you are planning to start a website or blog in any niche, you have to think first about traffic. 
How to get traffic to your blog is the most common question arises in any developer's mind. 
Here in this blog, you will be aware of how to grow traffic to your blog/website. First, let me know some basic steps to grow traffic.   
  1. URL of the website or blog should be search engine friendly. Must include keywords on URL.
  2. The title should have 35-55 characters including keywords.
  3. Content should be unique. "Keywords density" should be 3 % - 5%.

How to Rank Website or Blog with SEO (FAST Ways)

Hello Guys Today we are going to talk about SEO, Today we will learn What is SEO, how SEO works and some fast ways to rank your new blog or a website. So let's get started!

If you're new in blogging or you just created your very own new website and you want to rank your website or a blog to get visitors and readers so, of course you need to do SEO of your website or a blog. Let's go let me tell you What is SEO, Types or categories of SEO, how we can submit our new blog or website to google, bing, or other search engines with the help of SEO.

How to increase your Youtube audience

Are you looking for a ways how to increase your YouTube audience and become popular?

It may be the time for you to work closer with YouTube,  because YouTube is a large social media that can brings you to more than 800 million visitors each month.

To make your website known, sell products or only become  famous on the internet, YouTube is now the best free solution for everyone.

7 ways to increase your YouTube audience and become popular

1. Do storytelling to capture the attention of your audience
Increase the YouTube audience and go first by analyzing the time of view of your videos and your

How to rank website well on Google search

We previously saw, in an article on Web social image, the challenges of writing for a website. We understand that have the good content, interesting, updated regularly and original content can bring a good of SEO, loyalty and satisfaction of your users, as well as in terms of notoriety for your website and your company.
When we write a unique content, we will get two main targets: users and search engines.
1. Try to connect with your audients and ask team want they are looking for

How do you know what to offer your audient if you do not know them? The most important and ask the right questions in order to draw a typical profile of your target: who are my readers, what are they looking for on my website? How do they arrive on my blog? Etc. .. Knowing who we speak to, try to

Simple Blogger Tips and Tricks For Traffic

Blogging becomes a huge new phenomenon now because many people out there wants to make money simply from blogging. Simple Blogger Tips and Tricks For Traffic If you are one of these peoples, to make money from your blog you need to drive web traffic to it. Here's how to attract traffic in two hidden tricks no one will told you.

How to make $100 per day easily with Infolink 2018

How to make $100 per day easily with Infolink is a contextual advertising network which provides many types of ad format for his publishers


Infolink Ad Format’s
1.In text fold frame article
5. in Tag

You can get the Infolink ad format listed above in this article. 

To start making money with Infolink you just need few things to get infolink publisher account.
1. website/Blog
2. Some amount of organic traffic ( not need much organic traffic )

What is Blog Commenting in SEO for Traffic

Blog commenting are an awesome and a useful link building technique. Blog comments are not just a great place to get a link back to your site, it is the first step in developing a blogger exceed program. Blog commenting not just helps in building the reputation and name recognition of your industry, it builds a relationship with the blogger while you begin commenting on industry blogs, which can be eventually influenced into guest posts or blog post reviews of

Function Backlink Quality For Seo Blog

Apparently, backlinks (backlinks, links back) alias incoming links (incoming links) or inbound links are still important for SEO blogs, but quality backlinks (quality backlinks).

Backlinks from sites or blogs that are not qualified, or backlinks obtained illegally (violating the rules) will be ignored, even make our blog Google penalized.

Google's latest algorithm, Fred Update, has even taken many casualties. Many sites or blogs lose traffic or visitors drastically because most backlinks are not qualified or obtained illegally and are not natural (natural).

How to increase traffic to Blog?

If you really think so. Should increase Traffic of my blog. Then read the post carefully. Actually, there is no secret to increase traffic to Blog. There is only one secret to receive Traffic at Blog. That is SEO If you understand SEO properly So no competitor in the world can stop your blog from coming to Top Position.

That is why, in today, I will tell you the correct way to increase Blog traffic. With which you can easily increase traffic to Blog So, let's know how Blog Traffic How to Increase Blog Traffic

How to monetize your blog step by step in 2018-2019

Hi friends in this article will show you How to monetize your blog step by step in 2018-2019.  "blog" is a web page that usually presents information in a set of entries in the form of a list. These entries can be anything, including comments, event descriptions, photographs or videos. They are usually interactive so that readers can leave comments or messages in the entries. A blog can focus on a wide range of topics or a very limited topic, but it is also possible to earn money with a blog.

What is Cloudflare CDN and how to setup it

Your website must be fast for the high rank in the Google search. Google rank your website when your site loading time decrease.
If you check on the internet you will know that maximum number of self hosted websites loading speed is very high. A lot of bloggers do not know about this problem.
A lot of bloggers are trying to decrease their site loading speed time but they do not able to get success. May be they do not know about Cloudflare CDN.
Today I am Telling You about Cloudflare CDN. Using it you can decrease the loading speed of your

What is Google adsense auto ads. Benefits, how it works and how to use adsense auto ads.

You may know that Google adsense is the biggest source of online earning through your blog, website, youtube channel or your online app. Google adsense attaches different types of advertisements on the publishers sites to monetize them. There were many types of ads which the publishers used in their sites but now Google has launched a new type of ad system called adsense auto ads.

This type of ads displays automatically in number when it is activated on your site. For example when you paste the code of this type of ads into your site and get the approval. These ads will display according to your site article strength. If you have written a long article of more than 1000

Freelance job online for beginners

Hi friends.
                How are you??
         In this post i am going to tell you about freelancing and how to start freelance job.

       Freelancing is a type of online job. It is different from the physical job. Because all of its work is done online through internet. Physical jobs are done on a specific time but you can do the freelancing job at any time. You are free. If you want start the work but if you want to take a rest stop your work.

        There are a lot of sites which provides freelancing jobs. These sites give the opportunity to a skilled person to earn money at its home. If you are a Graphics designer, web designer, web

How to add custom Godaddy domain with blogspot blog

Hello friends. In this post i am going to tell you that how can we add a top level custom Godaddy domain with blogspot blog. Friends you you will have know that blogspot gives us free hosting and domain but add its name in your blog domain name like
You can also change your domain name and can buy a custom domain name from godaddy in your blogspot blog. If you buy a custom domain then your domain name will be called a top level or custom domain and your domain name will be like
And it is very necessary for the professional look of your blog domain. Beside this Google adsense also like a top level domain for their ads. Because if you did not buy a custom domain for your blog your blog can not grow.

What is bounce rate | How to reduce bounce rate

Bounce rate

A visitor comes to your site. How many pages he visits. This is called bounce rate.

How to improve bounce rate

Bounce rate affects on your site ranking. It is a very important part of Search engine optimization.
As much as your site bounce rate less be much better your site ranking and performance. When a visitor visits your blog he decides in few seconds to stay longer here and visit other pages or should leave. If your site contents and information are useful and helpful then he will stay longer and also visit many pages. Through which your site bounce rate will reduce.
But if he visits the first page and then closes then your site bounce rate will increase instead of decreasing. What are the reasons of bounce rate.

How to choose a correct domain name?

Generally, the domain has more than one part. One name is another extension. For example is www. Host's name, boikaly is domain name and .com domain extension. Various types of extensions are available according to the type of website. Such as:
  • .com is generally used for company websites.
  • .net is used for one or more networks.
  • .org is used for any organization / organization's website.
  • .info used for personal or informative websites.
  • .me is usually used for portfolio websites.

How to get Google AdSense Approval very fast

Google AdSense is the leader of Ad Network organization. Every Blogger want to monetize their blog and earn honest money from it. But most of them be unsuccessful to get approved for AdSense, for a few or the other causes. I hope you are very habitual with Google AdSense program and shifting on to guide you some important Tips and tricks to get google AdSense approval very fast for your new blog.
how to get google adsense approval for website
Here is the tricks! How To Get Approved For google AdSense Fast?

1. Fresh and High-Quality Content:

The fundamental and initial condition for getting your blog or website approved for AdSense is content of your blog or website. Hear Content is the Emperor. Your website may get approved for AdSense in

How To Setup Blogger SEO (Blogsport) Seach Engine Optimization

What is SEO?

SEO full name is “Seach Engine Otimization” it is very important for blog or website because seo tell the search engine what the blog is about and it’s help to rank higher in search engine of your blog. Blogger SEO is very easy to setup and its free also and shows your blog post higher in search ranks.
blogsport seo setup, search engine otimization

Log in to Your Blogger

Go to the main manu of the blogger and click on “settings” option where you see “Search Preferences” click on it.

What is Affiliate Marketing, How It is Work?

 So many people don’t know about affiliate marketing. They always think what does mean of it. In this article, I am going to tell you what affiliate marketing is lots of blogger and website owner earn money from affiliate marketing, It is a one of the best way to earn money online from your blog or website.
So many bloggers earn more than $10,000 dollars monthly from affiliate marketing. It’s also main source of income of most of blogger.

 What Is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing means like promoting someone product when you refer any online company product and when someone buy that product from your refer then you receive the commission.
Commissions are sometime between from $1 to $1000 depending on the products price and commission rates. 

Why YouTube is Easiest Way to Earn Money Online?

 There are so many ways to earn money from online.  you can earn money online by Blogging, affiliate marketing and Fiver etc

My favorite option is making money from online is blogging and 2 best way to earn money from online YouTube by monetize your videos with adsense.

Now day’s peoples are stating watching videos on YouTube and this is also now world’s second s search engine after Google.

10 Tips How to Write a Perfect Blog Post

 Peoples always think how to write a perfect blog post because a well written post ranks higher in search results. A great blog post is about more than great contain. It’s should be well formatted.
I’m not saying that my blog posts are perfect because it is not.

I just give you some tips in to article how can you write a amazing blog post. The best thing to write a blog post is start writing daily so it will help you to become a good writer and also you get habit of writing.

How to become SEO | A complete step by step guide

Search Engine Optimization – SEO
On-Page Optimization
SEO is a free method to optimize your website and mobile apps to generate organic and natural traffic. SEO mainly consists of two major parts.
  1. On-Page Optimization
  2. Off-Page Optimization.

On-Page Optimization:
The name itself directs As it gives a much big idea by the name that On-Page Optimization is all about what you do on your own website. So the question is what is there to do on the website page/s to do

How to Succeed at SEO Tips Tricks

Have you ever asked yourself what the benefits of SEO are?  If you take a look at the nitty gritty of digital marketing (i.e. SEO) then you will find that it can have either tremendous benefits or be a tremendous headache.

This is the problem that many small business owners and digital marketers face.  How is it that some are successful while others are not?  With the right tools you can figure out what's going to make you successful in the digital world.  For a more in-depth look at great tools to use for cultivating your digital strategy

How to Build Website Easily with WordPress

How to Build Website Easily with WordPress

Hello Guys In this post we are going to learn how we can build our own website easily with WordPress so, Let's get started without wasting time.

If you work from home then, creating a website is an important step as a home for your business, your website can showcase your skills and your experience and give your clients and customers a convenient way to get in touch. Now i hope after reading this article you don't need to hire someone to getting a website developed for you,

Fastest Ways to Earn Money with Blogger

Hello Guys In the post we are going to talk about "How to earn money with Blogger" No only with blogger but, using Blogspot blog without purchasing any domain. So Let's get started. First of all, you need to create an account on Google. Now you're thinking how we can create an account on Google? No problem let me tell you how you can create an account on Google easily.

How to Get 4000 Hours Watchtime & 1000 Subscribers (FAST) on Youtube

We are going to talk about "Youtube" New features and requirements and we are also going to talk about how to get 4000 hours watch-time and 1000 (1K Subscribers) fast on Youtube. So Let's get started.

Hey Guys as you may know "Youtube" just introduced their new features and requirement for NEW Youtubers and Old youtubers so, in this post I will tell you, how you can earn money from Youtube in

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

7 Tips To Lose Weight in English

1. Be patient: Remember that today your weight is not a two-day or two-month donation. This is the result of your life style for a long time. And if you have to lose weight, then surely you have to be patient. This statement by Benjamin Franklin - "He who is patient, can find what he wants." Always inspires me So be prepared that it will take time for this work. Perhaps you do not see any difference in your weight within one or two weeks of the beginning, but this is the time where you have to be strong, be patient, have courage.