Thursday, July 12, 2018

How To Setup Blogger SEO (Blogsport) Seach Engine Optimization

What is SEO?

SEO full name is “Seach Engine Otimization” it is very important for blog or website because seo tell the search engine what the blog is about and it’s help to rank higher in search engine of your blog. Blogger SEO is very easy to setup and its free also and shows your blog post higher in search ranks.
blogsport seo setup, search engine otimization

Log in to Your Blogger

Go to the main manu of the blogger and click on “settings” option where you see “Search Preferences” click on it.

Meta tags

 Now you see a meta tags description you need to add description of your blog with targeting keywords just write what is your blog about click on “edit” option and select “Yes” a box will open add a description of your blog in the box and click on “save changes” button than your description will be submit.
blogsport seo, meta tags description

Crawlers and Indexing

Crawlers and indexing  mean when you post something search engine crawl the post if the post is valuable search engine will be index the post and show to the seach option when someone search related your post.

Add Custom robots.txt            

You need to add a sitemap here sitemap means it is xml file contain all the links of your blog help search engine to crawl and index the blog.
To generate a site map go to the here Site Map Generator

blogger seo, blogsport seo, sitemap generate of blogsport

Add your website URl in the box and click on “generate sitemap” after click on generate button a box will be open with codes copy the text from the box and come to the “custom robots.txt”click on “edit” than click on “yes” a box will be open paste the text you copied than click on “save changes” button. Now your blog sitemap submitted.
blogsport seo tips, how to set up blogger seo

Custom robots header tag

It is very difficult to set up if you do anything wrong here search engine avoid your blog from search  click on “edit” than click on “yes” than some boxes open just follow the image and fill them than click on “save changes” now its done.
blogsport seo, blogger seo setup, seach engine

Now your blog advance SEO setup completed and ready to search higher in seach engine.

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