Thursday, July 12, 2018

How to become SEO | A complete step by step guide

Search Engine Optimization – SEO
On-Page Optimization
SEO is a free method to optimize your website and mobile apps to generate organic and natural traffic. SEO mainly consists of two major parts.
  1. On-Page Optimization
  2. Off-Page Optimization.

On-Page Optimization:
The name itself directs As it gives a much big idea by the name that On-Page Optimization is all about what you do on your own website. So the question is what is there to do on the website page/s to do and why this hard effort should perform? Then, let me explain you, this is all done for Mr. Search Engine! Yes, Search Engine is to decide where should your page be ranked. It cannot do anything until we do not provide the necessary/required information to this smart crawler. Below the required elements are divided into parts for better understanding.
According to Mr. Pranav, On-Page Optimization is further divided into four major parts:
  1. Page Title / Description
  2. XML Sitemap
  3. Social share buttons 
  4. Content (At least 500 words per post)
  5. SEO friendly URL or Domain Name
  6. Outbound / Inbound links
  7. Alt Text for Images
  8. Schema
  9. Keywords - longtail keywords
  10. Website load time
  11. Meta Tags and Meta Description
However there several factors which may help to optimize the website such as, Keyword search, and Image Title & Alt Text but the above five play major role in On-Page Optimization.
1) Page Title:
Whether the Title of a web

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